Sunday, April 28, 2013

Here is the picture of the blankets that will be donated to the hospital.
5th graders from Lydiksen made the blankets.
Thank you for giving more and living better.

Girl Scout Cookies to be donated to Oakland Kaiser

These cookies were donated by Pleasanton Girl Scout Troop 30274.

They will be given to Oakland Kaiser soon on June 17th.  Thank you for donating.  Kids will love these.  If you can help, please let us know at

This is the story that was done on me before my first surgery

This is the story that was done on me by the San Jose Mercury News after my first surgery.

6-year-old suffers 2 strokes from rare brain ailment - San Jose Mercury News

I've had a second surgery as well.


Welcome to my story.  This is for my website at  I hope that you will join me in helping people!  You can change a kids life or help them.  Give more -- Live Better!

Natalie G.